Building Bridges To The Future

Generational building
Ngoni Cash

Investing for the next generations is one important principle that is characteristic and instinctive with the wealthy and successful. In as much as they enjoy life now, a plan is always in place for their children and for some, grandchildren. One simple truth we should always appreciate is the fact that tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone,  therefore it is critical for every individual to have a plan for life. The critical question to ask is, if I die today what is going to become of my children?

It is imperative for the current generation to understand the past, know the present and plan for the future. Life is generally lived in cycles and patterns which either follow bloodlines or are specific to a place or a nation. In certain countries, we know the drought seasons, when tornadoes, hurricanes or volcanoes will most likely hit. We know and understand the rainy cycles, harvest seasons and prepare accordingly. Ironically, we never prepare for life, our children, just expecting everything to work itself out. Building bridges to the future is in preparation for those who are coming after to have a launchpad in life. Imagine bringing a child into this tumultuous world without a vision nor a plan for them, the outcome is nothing but disaster. Hence you should write the vision down, make it plain so that whoever sees it, will run with it.

How do we build bridges for the future?
1. Write the VISION down
2. Establish a set of GOALS
4. WALK it out.

It is important to highlight that you need to identify a strong enough reason (WHY) before you get down to the HOW. Building bridges is a process that will take time, skill and a toll on you therefore you need to know why you are doing it in the first place. If you are like a parasite or leech that lives of others and believe the world owes you, you will stop before you even start. The calibre that says, ‘If it is to be, it is up to me’ identifying your WHY will be the driving force in times of pain, discouragement and abandonment. Yes! many will abandon you on this journey. You cannot blame them because not many have the tenacity to build for a lifetime, hence three per cent controls all the wealth in the world.